About Us
Hello, dear guest. If you came here, then you are not indifferent to everything that happens around us. We decided to create a place where positivity, joy and a sense of satisfaction will reign. Satisfaction from one’s actions and mutual assistance. A club of like-minded people, with an ever-expanding circle of friends and simply caring people.
In the plans:
1. free exchange of any things that other people need;
2. help for our little brothers (supplies, food, various assistance, advice on care and veterinary climates, etc.)
And so, we tried to describe in a nutshell the meaning of what will happen here. If we awaken even a small spark in our consciousness, then we are not working in vain. How many more good-natured people are there who need to show all this? Involve others and together we will make this world kinder, more positive and brighter. Join us!
Best regards, freeBOB team.